Core Values

These Core Values flow from our Doctrines and Beliefs.

Gospel Transformation

True Christianity is not just another religion. God’s grace in Jesus Christ is the only power that changes anyone. The message of the Bible is that we are accepted through what Jesus did, not by what we do. Although behavior as it pertains to godly living is not unimportant, we cannot change ourselves by simply trying harder, but God can and will change us by the power of his Spirit who works in us. The daily life of every believer is one of repentance and faith. Believing God and living out what God says produces change.

Christian Living in the Community of Faith

The Scripture does not call us to an isolated, private, individual relationship with Christ. Rather the gospel creates a new community. Biblical community is the means by which the gospel spreads, and it is the context for living a godly life.

Missional Living

Christ has called us out of the world to belong to him, and he sends us back into the world to be witnesses and servants as we live out the callings God has given us in our homes, in the workplace, in our schools, and in every sphere of influence he has given us. God’s kingdom includes all nations, and our hearts must embrace God’s passion for the lost.
