
We are a Covenantal church; our intent is to remain primarily inclusive allowing God to work inside and through families as He designed. Through numerous activities and service opportunities the ministries of Faith Presbyterian Church strive to follow the church’s discipleship model.

  • Contacting – Identify opportunities to share the Gospel with non-believers or those looking for a church home.
  • Converting – Offer an invitation to our Sunday worship where the whole counsel of God is proclaimed.
  • Disciple – Teach participants the Gospel, so they can worship their King more fully. Disciples are taught by members of the church, invited guests, or by going to session approved seminars.
  • Service – Inspire congregants to want to serve others in the name of their King.
  • Leader – Identify gifts and provide those in our local Faith Family with an opportunity to lead.
  • Multiplier – As congregants grow in faith, the church supports their ministry as it leads others to Christ and advances His Kingdom.


Men's Ministry

At Faith, the heart of our Men’s Ministry is composed of the following core values: discipleship, integrity, love, prayer, and worship. Our mission is equipping men to: lead their families, serve their church, and influence their communities. The process of instilling these core values and equipping our men comes about through the regular expository preaching of the whole counsel of God as revealed through the Bible, small group study, men’s discipleship groups, service projects to help the widows and those with needs within our congregation, and regular work days on the church campus.

Ministry to Young Families and Children

Our very youngest children (younger than three years) are welcome in Faith’s nursery. Staffed by the women of Faith, the nursery is an extension of our commitment to Christ’s call to allow the children to come to him.

This loving and safe environment allows parents to participate in church activities with the knowledge that their little ones are being ministered to and cared for properly.

The nursery is available during the Sunday Morning Worship Service.

At the age of three years, we want to help parents transition their children into corporate worship. This is a process as children learn what to expect in the service and what is expected as appropriate behavior. Faith wants to help our children learn to be a part of the worship service.

One of the challenges for these newcomers to worship is learning to quiet their minds and their bodies during the service. The amount of potential energy bound up in a preschooler is astounding!

With the support of the session, Faith Presbyterian offers “Welcoming Children in Worship” kits. These kits contain quiet, thoughtful activities for our covenant children to use during the sermon to occupy their wiggling fingers. By focusing and directing their energy, they will have ears more ready to hear the Word of God. In addition, their parents will be able to better listen to the preaching.

These kits are prepared for children three through six years old. The kits may be picked up in the room just off the sanctuary. A guide is included with each box to help parents understand how to use them most effectively.

For school age children beyond six years old, we will continue to offer weekly Children’s Bulletins, sermon related coloring pages, and Sermon Notes for Kids. These are thoughtfully prepared to match the sermon and help guide children through the concepts and teachings contained in it.

Another resource available is the section of the bulletin below the Sermon Notes titled “Family Worship/Devotions.” These questions are meant to stimulate discussion and further study of the sermon topic within the family, as you teach your children spiritually in the home each week.

As the Faith Family seeks to steward the precious resource of our covenant children, we realize that each small investment we make in time and effort with these little ones may one day influence God’s Kingdom, as they are the potential future Sunday School teachers, nursery staff, lay leaders, choir members, missionaries, and pastors.

Outreach Ministry

The communication and spreading of the gospel are important at Faith Presbyterian Church. While each individual shares the privilege and responsibility to proclaim Christ and demonstrate his love, our Outreach Ministry allows those with particular talents to participate using those abilities.

Our multimedia outreach ministry includes audio, visual and social media platforms. Our goal is to provide gospel centered messages and biblical teaching to our church and world in accordance with our church social media policy.

Weekly sermon or Bible Study content is regularly distributed through Faith Presbyterian Church’s YouTube Channel: view our videos and our catalog of sermons at hear a sermon




Faith Presbyterian has always been committed to the spreading of the gospel. We support international missionaries through our denomination’s affiliated missionary organization called World Witness. We also support a number of missionaries and organizations through direct financial support.  100% of the donations to the Sunday School offering are given to missions. It is a privilege to be a part of the missionary effort of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Christian shares the privilege and responsibilities to both proclaim Christ and to demonstrate His lordship in the way we live the life He has given to us.
Also, we count it a blessing to be able to support others who have answered the call to “full-time Christian service.” As a connectional church, we recognize that what can be accomplished collectively is far greater than the sum of the parts of the individual congregations. Therefore, our primary missionary support effort is focused through World Witness, and our norm will be to only pick up missionaries under World Witness. We know that God is not limited to working through one agency; therefore, under special circumstances, we will give consideration to other missionaries.
The Session considers each applicant on an individual basis checking out the parent organization and using the following criteria:

  • Missionaries and ministries we already support (need increase)
  • Members of Faith who go into missionary work other than with World Witness
  • Those going out with World Witness
  • ARP’s not with World Witness
  • Local evangelistic and missionary organizations under some authority and financial accountability

Through our denomination, we offer numerous opportunities for short-term missions.

We currently support the following local ministries, which are not affiliated, with our denomination:

Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry seeks to provide opportunities for women of all ages to grow in their knowledge of God, express their God-given spiritual gifts, and share the Gospel beyond our Sunday morning and evening worship services.

Many women find their niche in the broader activities of the church by teaching Sunday school, singing in the choir, assisting Family Fellowship Meals, acting as greeters on Sunday morning, and working with our Covenant children. Others work outside the church supporting our denomination and missionaries around the globe. Still others work quietly supporting our church through hospitality visits, providing meals for those with illness, new babies, or families who are experiencing bereavement, managing the prayer chain, decorating our sanctuary for special events, and rallying support for new mothers. We do offer Bible Study opportunities for our women and regular opportunities for fellowship.

In our church there is no shortage of opportunities for women of all ages to express their God-given gifts and share the Gospel beyond our Sunday morning and evening worship services.

Youth Ministry

The Old Testament clearly shows that our God has chosen to work primarily through the family unit to advance His kingdom through the ages. In God spoke to Abraham and promised, “I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you.” This is why we refer to our children as Covenantal children. But we are responsible for making their God known to them. states, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”


The objective of the Youth Ministry is to identify opportunities for young people to grow in their knowledge of God, express their God-given spiritual gifts, and share the Gospel beyond our Sunday morning and evening worship services.

The Youth Ministry simply strives to equip our children with a purposeful spiritual framework between knowledge, spirit, and service-minded activities. Our older children teach Sunday school, sing in the choir, greet and usher on Sunday morning, and work in the sound booth during worship. An important area of service is in our annual Vacation Bible School outreach; our youth serve alongside our adults in this ministry to children and their families during the summer. Others work outside the church by serving as missionaries around the globe during the summer months. Still others work quietly supporting our church by participating in prayer meetings, assisting in the set-up and breakdown of church activities, and decorating our sanctuary for special events. The youth are given an opportunity for weekly discipleship meetings which offer friendly team sport, Bible study, prayer time, and accountability groups.

Music Ministry

Music is a gift from God for all. God has given this gift to His entire Church. This gift is used to express ourselves to God and for God to express Himself to us.

God has called particular individuals into music ministry. () God has given these individuals an ability and desire to use this gift as an expression of faith and service within the congregation. It is the desire of this ministry to give these individuals the opportunity to share with others that which God has given them.

The mission and purpose of the Music Ministry at Faith Presbyterian Church is to glorify God through music. We desire to help others reach out to God and to come into His presence in such a way as to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.” () We strive to lead others into God’s divine presence so that, through praise and worship, each person may experience the miracle of God’s love, acceptance, election, and salvation.

Since we believe this talent is a gift from God, we desire to be good stewards of the gift and use it to glorify God. We believe we should develop our talents and offer them back to God. As we strive to serve our Lord, we do so with excellence and thanksgiving. We desire to give God our best at all times.

The message and content of each musical offering is very important to us. We believe, as God’s Word is expressed through this ministry, it is very important to make sure the content is both scripturally sound and fully understandable to all. The message and content is placed before the musicality of the piece.

God uses music to:

  • help individuals express praise, thanksgiving, petition, and confession,
  • communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ,
  • help unite individuals in fellowship and corporate worship,
  • help individuals reflect and meditate during personal times of devotion, and
  • enhance biblical and theological truths.

If you believe God has called you into music ministry, please see the Choir Director. He will be happy to help you find direction and opportunity to serve God through your musical gifting.

The Adult Choir usually rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.


Faith Presbyterian